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Writer: Maggie EngelMaggie Engel

23 degree Leo New Moon 🌙 ♌️🤍🫶🏻🕊️⚡️ August 16th, 2023 at 0238 am PST The massive energies of the last 2 weeks have been major breakdown/breakthrough energy. We have built up to this culmination point of this new moon, with a brand new beginning, a new phase starting, we’re planting the seeds of our evolution based on Radical Love, our Awakening Hearts, they are being fully turned on & harmonized tremendously by these massive energetic upgrades, revolutionary quantum heart openings, capable of expanding bigger than ever before, AND the journey here over the last few weeks has been heavy, hard, dense, difficult, devastating and tragic for some, for others it’s been massively uncomfortable, fitful, and frustrating, full of the hardest to endure feelings, and for some their experience has been expansive, lovely, and deeply illuminating, however you are feeling these energies, and it’s likely a mixed bag for most of us, it is ALL for us, no matter how it feels. I know for me this time has brought deep sadness up, difficult feelings from my shadow realms and the world around me, revelatory awakenings, profound heart expansion, and a deeper devotion to love, to valuing love, in every present moment, over and over, coming back to now, breathing, being, accepting all that is, and expanding further through the presence, the pain, the grief, the joy, the beauty, the love that is me, and you, and everything. This is the way forward, with each breath, in each moment, choosing love over and over again, admist all the feelings, allowing it all to be present with the loving gaze of our open hearts, not pushing away the heaviness or darkness, but yet embracing it, and finding the love there as well, in every shadow, in every rejected feeling or experience. This is our future, living with awakening hearts, expanding love through each moment of accepting what is. Venus retrograde with the Sun in Leo, the sign of love, creativity, our hearts dreams and wishes, have made difficult AND supportive aspects to one another, to black moon Lilith, Jupiter, and Uranus all while the nodes continue to square Pluto, Pluto trines Uranus and sextiles Neptune, Mars, Mercury (in shadow) , and Pallas conjunct in Virgo trining Uranus and opposing Neptune and Venus retrograde sextiling Ceres directly in Libra and trining Chiron In Aries. All this calling for deep healing of love, of the individual, our hearts, a new, healthier ability to nourish and nurture ourselves and each other, our relationships, and the beautiful unique light we each bring to this world coming on line. Our minds, our passion, our strategies, our drive, actions, and behaviors being upleveled, transformed, and aligned with the frequency of our hearts, an activation of this awakened heart brain coherence after we’ve been brought to our deepest parts and shone light on our shadow, our unconscious junk that has blocked us and held us back, we are all waking up and saying “no more”, no more playing small, no more allowing unconscious scared child parts to run us, the wounded inner child has come up for love and we’re all being shown the way forward, we’re aligning with what our souls were born to do, we cannot suffer the pain of living out of love any longer, we can no longer be anything but our authentic beingness, these energies are here breaking us free from any and all illusions, paradigms of lack, ways of undervaluing ourselves, ways of undervaluing Mother Earth, and ways of undervaluing love and each other, and shining a light on how we have valued things that are out of alignment with love, we are busting paradigms of being unworthy to manifest our hearts dreams, wishes, and desires… all of the universe is conspiring to help us revolutionize and harmonize our present moment frequencies to our hearts, to the heart chakra of Mother Earth, to the creation of the awakened Earth, our own heaven on Earth, to unconditional love, to radical acceptance of our now, the place where all of creation is born. From this place, the phoenix is rising, it’s not happening overnight, it’s a process, a process of deep authentication of our being, we’re being purified to our core, all that will be left will be the purity of the authentic love that we all are…. Trust the process, let’s all be gentle with ourselves and each other, allow everything to fall away that wants to, allow the surprises and shocks to flow in like water and just be where you need to be with them, and let yourself ride the waves of emotions, all the while holding gently to love, holding on to your core, your center, your divinity, as you break open to holding the highest frequencies of the love that you are🤍hold yourself so softly, in reverence for your your divinity and your humanness, do your practices that keep you coming back to your heart, your yoga, your walks, your meditation, your journaling, your breath work, your healings, pet your animals, spread love to the Earth and your people, connect with those that expand and illuminate you, spend time holding your hand to your heart and purely breath in the essence of you in this moment, hold your loved ones and everyone else so softly too, many a nervous system is overstimulated, overstretched, and out of whack out there, bring love to every action, every thought, to every moment……. I love the question “What would love do”, keep asking this, keep coming back to this, keep becoming this⚡️🤍 And, in a ceremonial way, if you can find the space in this new Moon window, to sit sown and write out want your heart wants to see in this world, for yourselves, each other, and Mother Earth, write or speak out what you Feel heaven on Earth is, from a place of purity and grace, 23 degrees of Leo is a master degree of communicating love, the universe is asking us to create our heart’s desires from this place of masterful communication, a potent opportunity to speak out, write out, and align our thoughts with this high frequency love expanding portal we are in, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for🌟⚡️🙌🏻 I loved y’all so much!!!!! 🤗 We are truly magnificent!!!!🤩⚡️🕊️♌️🌙💖😇



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